Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Mom's 65th Birthday

Happy New Year

Happy New Year my friends,

What a better way is there to kick off 2008 then opening up my blog and dusting it off? I can't beieve that it is 2008 already.

It's true what they say--the older you get the faster the time flies and this past year really flew past. I can't really say there was very much signigicant about 2007. I did get a great group of students to teach and I helped my mom celebrate her 65th birthday. I visited Death Valley again, went to a few concerts, and generally spent money when I should have been saving it. I read quite a few books....22 in all, I think, and even though I bought a new computer, I found it hard to find time to sit down and play.

I am looking forward to 2008. Not sure what's in store for me, but I feel ready for some changes....of some kind....ANY kind would be nice. LOL.